yeah that take is completely absurd.
Comment on Please stop making Alien movies 6 months ago
Why have we spent the past 45 years – which is longer than I’ve been alive – making seven different versions of the same film?
If you watch Alien, Aliens and Alien3 and come out with the idea that they are “different versions of the same film”, maybe the whole movie critic gig thing isn’t for you. Hell, they are not even the same genre. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Kinda surprised the author could tell the difference between Alien, Predator, and Aliens v Predator at this point. 6 months ago
Alien and aliens are 2 very different take on the same idea, that is not the reviewer claim.
Their point is that Romulus is a useless remake of a much better original. 6 months ago
Alien and aliens are 2 very different take on the same ide
So are Ghostbusters and the Others.
What is your fucking point? 6 months ago
My comment was truncated, but your rudeness convinced me to stop interacting with you. 6 months ago
Imagine that! We both win! 6 months ago
Spectator journalist incapable of perceiving nuance
In other news, the sun rose today