Your dog eats tissues
Sounds like doggo needs to meet gibson so they can debate which paper is best.
Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🐕🧻🐩💖 Wednesday, August 21, 2024 6 months ago
There was a lovely story yesterday about a Jack Russell who alerted a neighbour that her owner was having a medical emergency and basically saved the owners life.
My husband: Gee some dogs are smart. Some have jobs and do some remarkable stuff. Your dog eats tissues.
Your dog eats tissues
Sounds like doggo needs to meet gibson so they can debate which paper is best.
He’s not interested in the tissue. More the goodies that are hiding in a used one.
Snot gobbler.
One of my dogs would be very sad. He would lay with me untill someone found me. The other would take a leg for the bone the second I went down on the ground.
You can eat tissues AND save lives! Everyone needs a hobby 6 months ago
Our JRT protects the child from the vacuum cleaner with such ferocity we have teeth marks in the dyson. But she had a mouse friend living in the cupboard beside her bed and she even shared her food. 6 months ago
Oh yes. The deadly vacuum. Also the lawn mower, the wipper snipper and any remote control toys the man owns. 6 months ago
And the wheelie bin wheels!