Slim profit margins my ass. Walmarts gross profit for the twelve months ending July 31, 2024 was $163.786B,
Not to sound flippant, but do you know what gross profit means? They aren’t pocketing all of that. Walmart’s net profit margin is 2.66%, which is minuscule. They make up for that by having enormous volume. 5 months ago
I think the main concern is that this is a step towards normalizing extremely frequent price changes, a la Uber surge pricing. 5 months ago
That’s exactly what this is. All stores will eventually do this and prices will fluctuate throughout the day. 5 months ago
isn’t it pretty much what amazon’s been doing since the beginning? the difference being there’s no “app” like camel yet to track prices over time at a single store
but yea, still another reason not to go to walmart. how do they mitigate the problem of something being $X when you put it in your cart, and the price being X+whatever by the time you get through the 2 mile long line at one of the 2 open registers? 5 months ago
Paper ticket stores already do this, its just a more work for the workers than e-ink. 5 months ago
And personalized pricing, based on your profile and what they think they can get you to pay. 5 months ago
I can’t wait for them to get sued into the ground because their AI is changing prices based on skin color. 5 months ago
Well, that’s what coupons are for. 5 months ago
So, if I grab an item off the shelf and browse around the store for a while, is the price going to be the price currently displayed or the price when I grabbed it?
If it’s the current price, what’s the point of a price tag? If I can’t actually know the price until checkout, then showing me the price is kind of a useless bit of data. I also suspect that the “speak to a manager” types would make that a major headache for stores.
If it’s the price when I grabbed it, how are they keeping track of that? I see two ways of handling that: one requires that you use their app to shop, and the other requires cameras and “machine vision” that are still unreliable, at best. The former seems more likely, but I doubt either is going to sit well with customers.
I haven’t seen that aspect addressed in any articles about the “feature”. 5 months ago
Take a photo of it, I work with paper but we change our tags frequently. We often have prices changed when a customer reaches checkout. I’ve also had times where a customer came back to check a shelf tag after I just updated it. I honored the previous price those times as I was still holding the tickets but its not a guarantee even in paper stores. 5 months ago
I know this isn’t your fault or anything but damn, that seems lightly customer hostile at best, and deeply unethical at worst. It sounds like it should be illegal. 5 months ago
Its not that it can’t happen now. Its that it will happen all the time with digital tags. 5 months ago
Even at stores that have this feature, I rarely see people use it. It’s clearly not an experience that people flock to.
OTOH, on the rare occasion I’ve visited a Walmart in the past 10 years, I have a 100% rate of checkout taking an absurdly long time. Everyone there just seems to accept it like they have no choice. 5 months ago
It will become an Olympic event where you have to get from the shelf to the till before the price changes! 5 months ago
I edited in another thought. I agree with that fear, that’s obviously the concern. I didn’t feel the need to repeat it.