Bruh, you need to calm down. You’re getting really stressed out over other people just trying to be considerate of others’ feelings.
Comment on Anon doesn't like Shrek 3 months agoIt’s not a kinder world you want.
It’s a cautious, fragile world.
You don’t see kindness between friends who play with insults. Progressives like to claim the working class as their constituents while pursuing the culture of pompous nobles if high court, apparently loving the idea of living a life where anyone could carelessly drop a pin and the room would figuratively shatter from the tension.
Fuck you. Fuck everything you stand for. I hate it. 3 months ago 3 months ago
Sort of makes sense. What comes natural to a kind person requires significant effort from someone whose first natural instinct is to mock and insult to make themselves feel better. 3 months ago
So well mannered and virtuous. Never debasing yourself with such crude, classless humor.
How fucking noble of you. 3 months ago
High court? 3 months ago
If that is your reaction to that I would say you a the fragile one.