The attitude of assuming all women you meet are inferior to you (and they’re the ones who have too-high standards?) can also make your dating life miserable, just saying
Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months agoIt’s not harder, objectively.
It’s just that people’s expectations aren’t realistic. And nobody is more bitter than average folks who think they are the top 1% of the dating pool. 6 months ago 6 months ago
I’m not assuming anything. I’m reporting how people behave. If I meet someone who is a middle class job and they are telling me I’m a POS loser for not driving car that is worth more than their annual salary, the issue isn’t me. 6 months ago
Date leftists? Like, actual leftists. I know, it’s a small pool in America, but you’d be surprised what’s out there if you join the right community. 6 months ago
A good chunk of the people I’m talking about identify as leftists. 6 months ago
I think your definition of leftist and mine are quite different. 6 months ago
sorry, is there a test i can perform on people to know if they are ‘true leftist’?
you should create a ‘leftist testing kit’ like they have for covid so i can bring it on dates and swab them and know in 15 minutes if they are a leftist or not! 6 months ago
Amazing that you turned this into a left/right argument. Are you the CIA? 6 months ago
Social media has destroyed dating for both sexes. 6 months ago
some of it is good. some social media has great/good advice… but that social media isn’t popular.