Comment on Windows Updated and is Pushing More Stuff ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Install. Linux.


Yes, install Linux, yes, it’s better, yes, it’s a little different, but yes, you will like it better.

Bloat ware? Gone. Antivirus shit? Gone. Spyware? Gone. Reboots for bullshit reasons? Gone. Forced updates? Gone.

Yeah, but it’s so complicated and games don’t work because there are no drivers!

Bullshit. Drivers exist now for just a out everything and most drivers are put of the box, not like windows requiring installs. Most of not all games now work.

But I needy software X!

Many, not all, but MANY software packages out there have open source equivalents that many times are equal or better than what you’re using. If not that, Wine will allow you to run a huge amount of windows software transparently on Linux. YMMV of course but “I need software x!” barely has been an excuse anymore for using windows.

Did I mention it’s actually free, no piracy involved (though if that is your thing, lots of software available for that too)

Windows sucks. Microsoft software in general sucks. Microsoft platforms suck (looking at you there, outlook, teams, office, and SharePoint, oh my frigging god what pieces of shit you are)
