Comment on Simples. 6 months ago
Babyslime is the woman who decided to have no prenatal care at all for her second pregnancy, and delivered a baby with mermaid syndrome (sirenomelia) which is linked to uncontrolled maternal gestational diabetes, and when the baby was breech and she was in labour at like 28 weeks, the obstetrician told her he had to do a C section, and she spent the rest of her time on her blog claiming she was medically raped or birth raped. She is a shitty person. 6 months ago
It she just reblogged Teaboot. Did Teaboot do anything awful that can be used to invalidate the point being made here? 6 months ago
No. 6 months ago
That’s okay. Just make something up. That’s what callout culture largely is anyways, people spreading rumors about people they don’t like. 6 months ago
The woman I mention above encouraged many women to put themselves in danger having unsupervised pregnancies, and terrorized the medical staff.