Same! It’s quite a useful trick if I ever need to find pants with pockets!
Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 6 months agoyeah it’s wild. every time i open Lemmy any internet application I turn into a guy? it’s very handy when the women’s bathroom line is too long 6 months ago 6 months ago
or pee my name in the snow! 6 months ago
Technically the original statement could still be true. We now know there is a woman here but not women. \s 6 months ago
mum says it’s my turn on the female internet slot! 6 months ago
Nice. 6 months ago
[deleted] 6 months ago
we are a tech company. we had several floors in two near but separate buildings. we had as many toilets for woman as we had for men. basically each floor had one for woman and one for men which had a pissoir too. as we had > 90% men, mens toilets always had a waiting line after lunch time (not for the pissoir, however). on one floor the only woman was a trainee who (normal here) often had to go to school for 3weeks in a row, that was when men just used womens toilet as there was no woman to use it on the floor and the other woman on the other floor of that building literally had her very own toilet to share with no one. (rest of all the woman happened to work in the other building)
then the company started to build its own building to leave the rental situation and at the same time to better longterm meet some necessarities that come along with the market niche that the company serves. (there are some laws regulating some physical aspects of the building.)
one if the promises was, that the “toilet situation” would be improved with the new building.
the new building then had larger toilets on each floor. the space was then used to still have one toilet for men, but now there were two pissoirs! and two large sinks just for washing hands. yay! womens bathroom now have 3 toilets on each floor each and also the large sinks too. same amount of toilets for 90% of empleyee, the 10% have now triple number toilets they had before and double the space for washing, using mirror etc.
The woman basically gets her own.
exactly, and when men don’t have enough toilets, women actually gets build more of them to “statistically” solve the problem !! 🤣 6 months ago
[deleted] 6 months ago
yes 💪
or maybe thats the hiring strategy to get more woman into tech jobs 😂 … and we have reserved private toilets !! … 6 months ago
yes, that is the transgender agenda, we switch genders each time we open lemmy and use blahaj plushies to stabilize, don’t blow our cover like that in public though jesus christ