Comment on Anon is a homebody 7 months agoReminds me of a colleague of mine who complains about not being fun anymore and also saying that if there’s a knock at the door everyone in the house goes into stealth mode (including the kids!), if the phone rings no one answers, when they get something delivered (and that happens often because they get their groceries delivered) they prepay so they can ask for it to be dropped on the porch so they don’t need to have human contact…
I feel like returning to the office might actually be good for them… 7 months ago
soo not to get too deep into it but as an anarchist i think working is really important to ones mental health. Of course working a job that doest make u wanna kill yourself is key and doing something u can at least semi enjoy helps so fucking much but in this capitalist hellscape thats a really fucking big luxury and that makes already society inept people into a someone who goes on 4chan.
But at the end of the day they ultimately make the choice to not talk to anyone. They could start small like actually talking to a cashier and working their way back up from their. They could call someone. If you just silently put yourself into a corner and never make an attempt to better yourself i dont know what to say. Ive been in the deeps of depression and i know its hard but you have to make some effort on your own somewhere.
i got deep into it, yap sesh concluded 7 months ago
I haven’t identified as an anarchist in 30 years but I’ll tell you this. What you described is basic humanity and we all agree with you. 7 months ago
i just dont wanna be mistaken for a pull yourself up by yer bootstraps asshole. Lifes hard and so is happiness, however thats not an excuse to surround yourself with hopeless malice and not pur any effort in being a social being which is what humans are and need to be unfortunately. 7 months ago
Hey, fellow anarchist.
One would do well to remember that while working for wages sucks balls and alienates you, labor itself is an integral part of living a fulfilling life. I think that’s at the core of what you’re trying to say.
Cheers 7 months ago
I think you’re right about work, having a 9-5 means you have a reason to get up in the morning, and tends to get you into the habit of getting up at a similar time on the weekend as well.
Personally, I think having nothing to do is worse for your mental health than anything else.