This is a healthy attitude. The game offers "easy mode" in the sense that you can use tools like summons, magic, just plain old grinding until you're massively levelled, and so on, but if you're not enjoying it then there's no point playing. It's okay for a game to not be for everyone and good for people to recognise that it's not for them.
I really enjoy the games but fuck me there's no way I'll ever be taking on Malenia. I could use summons and stuff, but what I actually like is the one-on-one dodging fights, so if I did I'd justbe doing it to have done it. That's fine. I just have to evaluate the game based on what I get from the rest of it 6 months ago
Elden Ring is probabaly the easiest game that From Software has made.
I however don’t like the default multi-player design of FS games and waited for the Seamless Co-op mod to be released and then picked it up to play with friends as a tough open world MP adventure.
RE: Seafault MP Design -
I think it’s poor design to offer incentives for players to be anonymous assholes to other players. Game Studios have spent millions of dollars investing in research and technologies to reduce game community toxicity. And if you attempt to play a FS game outside the first month of release in MP mode, prepare to have your fun ruined. 6 months ago
Invasions aren’t toxic. You’re brute forcing a game balanced around solo play by abusing action economy and boss aggro. You can, at any time, start a boss and boot someone. Not to mention the overwhelming advantage you have over the invader should you choose to fight them.
It could, literally, not be more in your control.