- Comment on Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty 6 months ago:
It's okay for people to not want to take several hours to learn to play a videogame. I say this as someone who has taken the time and likes this game a lot
- Comment on Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty 6 months ago:
To be fair they're still right to say that there are no difficulty settings on that film, it's just set at fuck you difficulty from the beginning
- Comment on Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty 6 months ago:
This is a healthy attitude. The game offers "easy mode" in the sense that you can use tools like summons, magic, just plain old grinding until you're massively levelled, and so on, but if you're not enjoying it then there's no point playing. It's okay for a game to not be for everyone and good for people to recognise that it's not for them.
I really enjoy the games but fuck me there's no way I'll ever be taking on Malenia. I could use summons and stuff, but what I actually like is the one-on-one dodging fights, so if I did I'd justbe doing it to have done it. That's fine. I just have to evaluate the game based on what I get from the rest of it
- Comment on Olympic casual GigaChad 6 months ago:
Huh, I thought that that looked exactly like a Takeshi's Castle obstacle, and sure enough the whole thing with MXC is that they repurposed Takeshi's Castle footage to make a new show? Wild
- Comment on Olympic casual GigaChad 6 months ago:
His name is Yusuf Dikeç, he was in the 10m air pistol men and mixed team events. The silver was in the mixed team event, won alongside teammate Şevval İlayda Tarhan. Despite what appears to be an exceptionally successful sport shooting career otherwise, he seems to have struggled in prior Olympic games ("struggled" relative to "qualified for the goddamn Olympics" of course) but apparently he was just on the ball this time
- Comment on I, too, like books. 7 months ago:
Half the reason our pronunciation is so weird is that a bunch of French guys took over England
- Comment on Eeeeee 7 months ago:
- Comment on Eeeeee 7 months ago:
That was the intention, yes. Thanks
- Comment on Eeeeee 7 months ago:
It's approximating the value of the actual number pi, 3.14159 etc. It's not doing anything with pi after that
- Comment on Eeeeee 7 months ago:
"e", or Euler's number, is a constant used in maths because it has useful properties in logarithms and some other things. Basically just like pi except for logarithms instead of circles. Like pi, it's an infinitely long series of non-repeating digits. The crime you have witnessed in the post is a shitload of mathematical operations applying e to e in various ways in order to get (very close to) pi. Like saying "I'm going to make 14 using only 2" and then saying (2^2^2)-2, except instead of 2 and 14 you've got e and pi
- Comment on Or meet and cheese 7 months ago:
I do not, unfortunately. I had actually never heard of that sandwich before but it looks really good. I am vegetarian, though, so it'll have to stay just looking good for me
- Comment on Or meet and cheese 7 months ago:
Green ones with garlic and lemon juice are top notch though
- Comment on Or meet and cheese 7 months ago:
I am in the UK so that would make sense. Going solely off of wikipedia's page on the romanisation of Arabic, I'd hazard a guess that the UK spelling came via French
- Comment on Or meet and cheese 7 months ago:
God damn do I love a good bruschetta
- Comment on Or meet and cheese 7 months ago:
Nice bread, some houmous and balsamic to dip it in (separately, of course), marinated olives and artichoke hearts, grilled courgette and tomatoes
- Comment on Post a prompt, have an art from this insane russian 7 months ago:
Oh my bad, I totally misunderstood what you meant. Excellent drawing though
- Comment on Post a prompt, have an art from this insane russian 7 months ago:
Small fandoms? There is a delightful youtube channel called Colganology in which an eccentric old English man documents his craft projects and whatever else is on his mind. I discovered him because of his series in which he builds a bunch of absolutely terrible musical instruments out of random bits and bobs that he has lying around. I would very much appreciate a depiction of his mighty war horns intimidating his enemies
- Comment on No, seriously, I want to know 7 months ago:
This is actually what an adult cow looks like, we just never get to see it in real life because we kill them for meat before they achieve their true glory. All of humanity used to be pescatarian, but a cult of human skaters convinced us to start eating cows so that they could win at the X Games
- Comment on What's the craziest or funniest Wikipedia outline you've seen? 7 months ago:
IP over avian carriers, yes
- Comment on What's the craziest or funniest Wikipedia outline you've seen? 7 months ago:
I like this one, but to be fair the article it is summarising was never not going to be a little silly
- Comment on What do you mean there was a coup in Bolivia? 8 months ago:
Anglicisation of golpista, I assume
- Comment on Domestication 8 months ago:
We thought we were the ones domesticating grass when we invented agriculture, but the grass isn't the one that stopped moving around all the time
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
Never mind the depths I was already on edge when I met the fucking crashfish
- Comment on wizard posting 8 months ago:
Power word: erektiohäiriö
- Comment on wizard posting 8 months ago:
Power word: impotence
- Comment on It's sort of apt by mistake, but it's still stupid 8 months ago:
It's actually in England, although funnily enough the part of England it's in is called Cumbria, which has the same origin as the Welsh for Wales "Cymru". So it's sort of in Wales, just not the Wales that we call Wales in English.
Anyway it's Old English torr, Middle Welsh penn, and Danish hoh. And like many British place names the pronunciation is not what you would expect at all at first glance. It's "tra-pen-uh"
- Comment on A beautiful thing... 8 months ago:
It's also known as the kINGdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
- Comment on if jupiter gained enough mass to trigger fusion and ignite into a star... 8 months ago:
Oh, good call, I didn't think of that! Assuming I did my sums right, the Roche limit probably destroys the fourth innermost moon, but it still leaves the big four (which are the fifth through to ninth in ascending order of size of orbit). They're quite substantially farther out than the prior four
- Comment on if jupiter gained enough mass to trigger fusion and ignite into a star... 8 months ago:
The sun and Jupiter are pretty close in terms of density, and Jupiter would need to get at least an order of magnitude heavier to start fusion. I think it's just a coincidence that the outward pressure of the sun's fusion makes these numbers roughly line up.
Thirteen Jupiters seems to be a commonly-given lower limit for fusion, so let's go with that. To increase mass by thirteen times while maintaining density (and assuming the whole thing is a perfect sphere, which it obviously isn't), Jupiter needs to increase its radius by a factor of about 2.35. This increases its equatorial radius to about 168,000 km, which does swallow up the three innermost moons, but leaves the four big ones alones
- Comment on if jupiter gained enough mass to trigger fusion and ignite into a star... 8 months ago:
The IAU's list of requirements to be a planet is:
- Orbit a star
- Be big enough that it becomes round
- Clear the neighbourhood (meaning you're way bigger than anything else in your orbit)
The last one is the one that disqualifies Pluto. For comparison, Pluto is roughly 8% of the mass of the other stuff in its orbit (not including Neptune, given that their orbits cross), whereas Neptune is thousands of times more than the rest of its orbit. The closest non-planet to meeting this criterion is Ceres, which is roughly one third of the rest of its orbit (in the asteroid belt).
Based on this list, I think Jupiter's four biggest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) would make the cut.