I was a heavy Xbox user up until last year when they redesigned the Xbox home screen.
Instead of being able to pin multiple groups of custom apps/games wherever you want, you now only get one group pinned about halfway down the page past several rows of ads. There are generally at least 5 separate rows of ads on the homescreen at all times.
I have a series x (also had an original, 360, and one), and will 100% not be buying another console from Microsoft. The joy of using my expensive console was ruined by ads.
I need to finish Elden Ring, after which my Xbox will be used as a steaming device for videos from my PC or Kodi exclusively.
SiegeRhino@lemmy.world 7 months ago
Just my opinions as someone that’s enjoyed that xbox brand since the first one, and stuck with it out of convenience and from making friends on the network there. Next “console” is a proper gaming computer
cyberpunk007@lemmy.ca 7 months ago
The past console, other than. The switch, that I owned was the PS3. I loved that one. A buddy was like “let’s play some Halo” and I loved halo 1 and 2 but the rest just don’t do it for me. Once he booted up his Xbox and I was driving the UI trying to launch the game I just wanted to hurl. Such a garbage UI. Littered with ads etc.
No idea what PS5 UI looks like but they’re just PCs with a custom UI at this point so I’ll stick with my PC.
B0NK3RS@lemmy.world 7 months ago
PS5 ui is actually quite bland but at least it isn’t crammed full of useless shit like the Xbox dashboard.
I find the aesthetics of Xbox are actually nice but again they fill the dash with so much stuff it’s a mess and intrusive.
Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world [bot] 7 months ago
I’ve grown a bit tired of the Xbox experience as well with some of what you’ve mentioned. I also don’t play every single game that comes out, just a select few with whatever free time I do have. I want to get away from online gameing if I can, though I’m not against it my preferences are just shifting so I want to gravitate more to single player games and currently I’m considering the next Switch console (Switch 2?) and just play all the first party games Nintendo is known for, Zelda, Mario, Starfox, etc and all their retro games that’ll be on the online store. I could get lost for years with that content. Really excited to possibly have that option for myself in the future. Just thought I’d share a different perspective.