Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago
Could be many reasons, super depending on the dynamics of your friend group but in mine I find when things are looking up for my others can be feeling of jealousy can seem like they are being competitive. If you have examples (as anonymous as possible) just to gauge from? 7 months ago
I recently got a new job and my friend knows how much I make. Ever since they have been complaining how they hate their job and how they are under paying them. They constantly tell me how much of a slob I am and that I don’t do enough. Then they talk about how they need a new job and how they told their employeer they need to pay them more. It’s consuming my life. 7 months ago
“Friend” 7 months ago
I swear to god 7 months ago
You may consider them a friend, but the behaviour you’re describing shows they aren’t treating you like one. 7 months ago
Friends should build you up, not tear you down. 7 months ago
You need to tell your friend that you don’t appreciate this behaviour, and perhaps make some new friends. It’s also not your fault or responsibility if you’re in a better situation than someone else, but if you can help bring other people up that’s good.