- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 4 weeks ago:
Maybe my taste buds are just broken, but for me, candy has always been either very sour for a very short time, or slightly sour all the way through. I’ve never had anything be very sour all the way through.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Your first hint that this is a naive take is that you’re brushing off a societal issue to a single, external factor.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 1 month ago:
Oh, that’s for sure. The thing is, you need to be open to the idea that there could be contradictions to realize they are there. If you already approach your readings already believing that you are a mere sinner who, in the end, can’t really understand God’s Plan™, it gets easier to brush off the inconsistencies.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 1 month ago:
That’s why I said “as a general rule”. I’m not sure I would consider fundamentalists to be representative of your average Christian - their whole thing is Biblical literalism, after all… I was raised Catholic, in an era where we still had religious courses in school, and I can pretty safely say that pretty much nobody read it outside the bare minimum they had to for First Communion/Confirmation/wedding prep.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 1 month ago:
You have to be particularly dumb to read the old and new testaments
Do you legitimately think that the same people who get into organized religion, that buy into thought systems that tell them how things are supposed to be and how they should feel about stuff, as a general rule have read their own source material that meticulously?
- Comment on What are examples of things that would get you banned on reddit, but is okay on most major instances of Lemmy? 2 months ago:
For a second, I was wondering why they’d ban links to the World Series Of Poker.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 2 months ago:
Phew, a lot of their Democrats actually seem to think they sit left of the spectrum, and they already get called commies by their right wing. Their brains might split in two when they realize that their Democrats are merely another side of the same liberal coin…
- Comment on Why is the price of real estate rising so dramatically? 3 months ago:
The answer is very location dependent, and often multifaceted. However here in Canada it’s a combination of neglecting affordable housing construction for decades, a huge uptick in immigration, a total lack of political willpower (most of our MPs report housing income, many actual landlords), and an economy that’s over-leveraged on real estate in general.
- Comment on The 42 year old new hire at your job confesses to you that he has had 48 different jobs in his life. What is your opinion on that? 4 months ago:
I don’t correlate much from job count. I have had 5 in the last 8 years, two of those following layoffs. Shit happens.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Two questions:
- Can you justify this position in any way that wouldn’t be fundamentally racist?
- How does this answer the question at hand at all?
- Comment on Is Ryze Mushroom Coffee Just Another Craze? 5 months ago:
Why would a doctor prescribe an alternative to coffee or tea in the first place though?
- Comment on How does app forking works exactly (ex: forkgram)? 5 months ago:
An app “talks” to server through some interface (what they call an API). If the interface is known, another app can use the same interface. Telegram goes as far as providing code that interfaces with their protocol and full API documentation to explain how to use it. The base app is open source too, so developers can even peek at how the official app does it for inspiration.
- Comment on Where Are You Supposed To Buy Pajama Shirts? 5 months ago:
they’re not heavy enough to sweat in
This sounds like a challenge my body would lose. I just sweat all the time, regardless of the temperature or level of physical activity.
- Comment on How does Ohio have stock for the new cannabis stores that just opened? 6 months ago:
If the law was coming into effect at a known date, there may just not be much interest in prosecuting going forward.
- Comment on Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace? 6 months ago:
I totally agree with you that I don’t need to make friends at work. I 100% clock out at the end of the day and make a hard cutoff between personal and work life. I can even work with people I personally dislike just fine, as long as they’re not making things harder for others.
But OP was talking about camaraderie, which is mostly just about being generally pleasant to be around - as Merriam-Webster defines it, “a spirit of friendly good-fellowship”. Nobody likes to deal with the moody guy who doesn’t want to talk to anyone either. At the other extreme from what you’re describing, one starts leaning into “making things harder for others”.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
You may consider them a friend, but the behaviour you’re describing shows they aren’t treating you like one.
- Comment on Is it normal to be disgruntled? 7 months ago:
We’re up to 5 layoffs in the last decade in between my wife and I. I’m obviously extremely biased towards “job security” being a freaking joke lol
- Comment on Is it normal to be disgruntled? 7 months ago:
This. I’ve been laid off at the beginning of the month as well. Three of the four interview leads I have right now are through references from old colleagues I’ve enjoyed working with and never completely lost contact. All other companies I’ve applied to have either completely ghosted or rejected me pretty damn quickly lol
- Comment on What happens if I never activate Windows? 8 months ago:
I have 3 old DreamSpark Windows 7, 8 and 10 Pro licenses I’ve been upgrading/reusing between my main PC and laptop, so I haven’t bothered looking at the state of spoofing the MS activation process in years. Holy crap now it’s literally just on GitHub lol, used to have to download some zip on a random forum or a dodgy torrent…
- Comment on Is a peanut butter sandwich a balanced meal? 8 months ago:
Raw/natural PB tastes so much better anyways. I can’t buy anything else since I’ve tasted it.
- Comment on Whats the difference between "English is not my first language" bad grammar, and "The only language I speak jmis english" bad grammar? 8 months ago:
In what sense? If anything, the very concept of “everything is gendered” makes it sit at one extreme of the spectrum of languages, in the very literal sense of the word, wouldn’t you agree?
- Comment on Whats the difference between "English is not my first language" bad grammar, and "The only language I speak jmis english" bad grammar? 8 months ago:
We often make very different kinds of mistakes. Funnily enough, I initially learned English by getting exposed to pop culture (kung-fu movies, N64 games and anime dubs) through a bilingual friend I had through 3-6th grades. Formal English teaching in schools only started in 4th grade when I was a kid. I didn’t know anything about the language by then. My now 6yo son understands way more of it than I did when I started high school, and speaks it quite a bit.
- Comment on Whats the difference between "English is not my first language" bad grammar, and "The only language I speak jmis english" bad grammar? 8 months ago:
Same is true about second language French speakers. We conjugate articles with their nouns. E.g. “the father and the mother” would be “le père et la mère” (le/la is the same definite article in masculine/feminine form, it has no neutral form). English speakers get rightfully confused. It gets even more confusing as there’s a clear trend in the language where many feminine gendered words end with an E (porte/door, table/table, arme/weapon), but not always (nuage/cloud, véhicule/vehicle).
- Comment on I’m 43 but everyone at the workplace thinks I’m 25. Is this something I need to change? 8 months ago:
It was slow initially, then it picked up a lot in the last ~5-6 years. My beard is unequivocally gray colored at this point, and my sideburns are graying.
Coincidentally, I had my first son around that time…
- Comment on I’m 43 but everyone at the workplace thinks I’m 25. Is this something I need to change? 8 months ago:
I’ve been graying since 23yo to be fair
- Comment on how are some people able to fall asleep anywheres? 8 months ago:
I have 0 merit in this. I just… can. I always could, apparently. My parents organized dance competitions when I was a baby; they used to make me sleep in the DJ’s booth as it was the quietest-ish place in the venue. I slept through all of those like a (literal) baby. I don’t know why or how.
- Comment on how are some people able to fall asleep anywheres? 8 months ago:
This was a life changer for me. I had an AHI of 69. For those not familiar, AHI means Apnea-Hypopnea Index, which is an average count of “events” per hour. An event is either a complete blockage of respiration for 10s or more, or a drop of 30% or more in blood oxygen level.
I went from sleeping 10-12h and not feeling rested ever, a literal zombie, to sleeping 7-8h regularly and feeling good.
- Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 9 months ago:
There’s an episode of Behind the Bastards touching on the subject - “How Conservatism Won”.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 9 months ago:
Oh I don’t think I’m particularly old, statistically speaking I’ve got about the same amount or a bit more left to go… We just all have those moments that make you realize time flies, don’t we?
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 9 months ago:
My first non-prepaid plan must have been around 2006-2007, with a slide phone and the very minimum plan I could get which was, IIRC, 50 minutes, unlimited nights and weekends, and exactly zero text messages included, no caller ID nor voicemail 😂 First time I had a data plan was in late 2011, when I got my first smartphone (Galaxy SII), and that was definitely less than 1GB/month…