Yes 400k would be surprising. But if the claim is true and he never missed a day in 27 years of working there, and Burger King gave him a goodie bag? That’s on the other end of surprising, like that’s an incredible feat and seriously impressive loyalty to the company. It should be rewarded with something a little more substantial imo
Comment on Never believe the hype. 7 months ago
I mean…there’s a LOT to take in here. First off, I see no evidence that Burger King ever claimed to have given him 400K. I see no reason why Burger King WOULD give an employee 400K for not missing work. Yes, it’s a crazy thing that he didn’t miss 27 years, but what would make people expect a min wage job to give a 400K bonus. The guy in the picture doesn’t look like a manager. He looks like a regular employee.
The person claiming this is @TheBestFigen. And who is that? Why are they reporting this? You don’t trust random sources on twitter for news.
Not that traditional news outlets are much better at verifying their sources, but still.
Good on the daughter for raising 400K, but I suspect theres even more to this story. What was the gofundme for?
“Hey, my dad is a very reliable Burger King worker. Give us money please!”. I don’t think anyone would donate to that. Instead, I suspect he has a medical issue. And people see a Burger King employee who’s unable to pay medical bills, and THEN I could see people donating. That I would understand. That makes sense. Well, it doesn’t make sense that our medical system is set up in a way that makes it come to this, but once you accept it IS this way, it makes sense that people have empathy.
But none of what I just said is whats being presented. This is being presented as “BOO BURGER KING!!! CORPORATE BADDIES!!! WON’T EVEN GIVE A GUY 400K!!!” when in reality…why would they? 7 months ago 7 months ago
Why? Fast food is just a starter job for high schoolers /s 7 months ago
Hey now, that goody bag included literally dozens of dollars worth of Burger King coupons! 7 months ago
The person claiming this is @TheBestFigen. And who is that? Why are they reporting this? You don’t trust random sources on twitter for news.
Idk but they have more than a million followers. If someone with that reach posts misleading information it’s good to correct it. 7 months ago
From the GoFundMe (not hard to find): 7 months ago
I don’t understand. Leaving would “cost” his retirement? Why would he lose it by retiring? Is there a milestone like X years he needs to hit? If so why not stay (if it’s only 3 years, for example). It doesn’t mention him being sick or unable other than age. Why does retiring not use his retirement?? 7 months ago
I think they are saying he can’t afford to retire, but your guess is as good as mine here. 7 months ago
Wait, Burger King was unionized 27 years ago? Health insurance? What! How come I never heard of this? How come nobody asked me to join. WTF, I feel jipped.