Jaime killing the Night King should have been the only right answer. It makes the whole trip beyond the wall to get evidence worth it instead of being for nothing, and it completes the greatest redemption arc in television history.
Comment on Anon watches game of thrones
Windex007@lemmy.world 7 months ago
Anon crushed the alternative ending absolutely 1000x better than the actual show runners for free.
RacerX@lemm.ee 7 months ago
Bosht@lemmy.world 7 months ago
God DAMN that gave me chills. Mourning again for what could have been.
absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz 7 months ago
I always disliked how Arya’s story at the temple of black and white went…
A girl speaks the truth!
Arya Stark facing Jaqen H’ghar once again, her sightless eyes searching the blackness, “who are you?” he asks. “I am no body” she replies; “a girl lies!” says Jaqen. “WHO are you?”; Arya angry now, stares blankly at him, “I am Arya of the house Stark! I am The Cat of the Canals! I am the boy Arry; I am the Blind Gir!; I am anybody!”. “Yessss” replies Jaqen “a girl speaks the truth”.
The realisation dawns; the Waif who tormented Arya for the longest time never realised this was the test; her vision clears. Jaqen H’ghar smiles down at Arya, you are anybody, you are everybody!
The Waif, realising that Arya has passed her tries to kill Arya. The Waif is not much of a challenge and Arya kills her in self defence. Jaqen is not pleased, Arya was not sanctioned to kill The Waif. She is forced to leave the temple…she returns to Westeros and the story continues from there.
Kalladblog@lemmy.world 7 months ago
As someone who never watched GoT, I have no idea what all this is about and considering how much the last two seasons get memed, I don’t think I ever will.
rayquetzalcoatl@lemmy.world 7 months ago
Putting Marvel style quips into this completely kills it lol. “They say the best swords have names, gang? Any wacky ideas??” “Oh yikes! Not right now!” “Let’s name it Mountain Dew Baja Blast sponsored by Morgan and Morgan!”
aquinteros@lemmy.world 7 months ago
I love this, and it made me absolutely angry again for this two fucks that gave us the most disappointing conclusion to a story that I loved deeply. it could have been so much more. nicolaj was awesome
Windex007@lemmy.world 7 months ago
As much as everyone (including me) shits on AI, it brings me great peace that within my lifetime basement fanfic hobbiests will be able to generate this scene/episode with HBO quality, indistinguishable as a fake.
That and my wish to see an Episode of star trek TNG where data gets sent to 1992 and has to save the community center by teaching Biggie and 2Pac the true meaning of Christmas
Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world 7 months ago
If an AI like that ever exists the first thing I’m asking for is a second season of Firefly