I took the comment you replied to as a suggestion to make the spotlight change weekly because people are not always on Lemmy World everyday.
Me: “This concept is cool, but I see some room for improvement. How about these ideas?”
You: “Why you spending time on Lemmy, bro? I say this as I also am spending time on Lemmy.”
ericjmorey@lemmy.world 8 months ago
numberfour002@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Quite frankly, the toxic to non-toxic user ratio here is a bit higher than I would hope for an expect. But kudos to you for confronting the toxicity that drives people away! I do appreciate your effort.
s38b35M5@lemmy.world 8 months ago
I think you and OP misread “week” to mean “weak.” They meant the spotlight should rotate weekly, giving people time to see it before it changes.
kitnaht@lemmy.world 8 months ago
I thought the worlds reading comprehension rate was supposed to be higher than it’s ever been, but apparently not…
lost_faith@lemmy.ca 8 months ago
I think this is what did you in. You forget how much people hate to be told to go do something that they cannot for many reasons, like no grass outside ;) also that is usually meant as an insult. Personally I am only here during work hours lol