So since I joined in early May, that Raj zone community or whatever its called was the highlighted community. That ran for about 2 months that I know of. It’s a very active and popular community.
Today I see it’s finally changed. Now it’s comic strips. Which ALSO looks like an active community. So my theory is, and I may be wrong, but my theory is that these spotlights drive huge amounts of traffic. Which is great…but it’s spread so thin. One community for 2 months is waaaay too long.
What if it became the “community of the day”? And maybe it could focus on smaller, lesser known communities. And if that days community ISN’T for you personally, just wait until tomorrow.
And then there’s the trending section. More often than not, I see a community in the trending section, click it, and theres zero posts. One time I even saw zero posts, and moderator locked so only moderators can make posts…which they hadn’t.
So whats the point of saying they’re trending, if theres zero to little activity? I say to become a trending community, you should have minimum 10 posts in the past 30 days, and 30 comments the past 30 days.
So, site admins, can we make this happen? New community spotlight everyday, maybe it’s a dead community, and a trending community section which has been trending lately.
And as I think of this, I just realized the trending communities will only be the same most popular ones. So maybe trending communities can only appear once per month? 7 months ago
Week. People need to have time to go outside and touch grass. 7 months ago
Me: “This concept is cool, but I see some room for improvement. How about these ideas?”
You: “Why you spending time on Lemmy, bro? I say this as I also am spending time on Lemmy.” 7 months ago
Quite frankly, the toxic to non-toxic user ratio here is a bit higher than I would hope for an expect. But kudos to you for confronting the toxicity that drives people away! I do appreciate your effort. 7 months ago
I took the comment you replied to as a suggestion to make the spotlight change weekly because people are not always on Lemmy World everyday.