Not only are you correct, we will never have any real sense of scale of just how correct you are, since we’ve only been exposed to about 0.001% of life that’s ever existed on Earth in the last several billion years.
For all we know there were clans of synapsids that were exclusively homosexual for terms of child-rearing and had complicated social systems with language and structured hierarchy, etc.
The idea that we can even remotely determine what this world’s natural systems have been like from looking at a sliver of a sliver of a sliver of the total picture is once again peak human hubris and self importance.
This planet has been a thriving source of life in the universe, maybe the only one like it for far, far longer than any human alive can comprehend. In the last several billion years nothing complained about homosexuality. Humans will be here for a brief blip on the larger picture, and there will be no record nor impact from anyone’s hate or fear of sex acts.
All you people screaming and crying about “woke” this and that, and who get confused by terms like LGBTQ+, it doesn’t matter. You will be dust for far, far longer than you will be a human screaming about what’s “natural.” 6 months ago
Likely as old as sexuality itself. 6 months ago
So as old as multicellular life. Which I completely agree with. 6 months ago
Single cell life doesn’t have sexuality, not even all multicellular organisms do. And there are lifeforms like plants that throw around their pollen and hope that pollen of the opposite sex meet or make insects or alike distribute their pollen to other plants. That’s sexuality in the biological sense, too 6 months ago
Gay bacteria 6 months ago
Bacteria don’t have sexuality. They copy themselves if you will and exchange small bits of DNA rings with each other but they don’t have sexes individuals belong to 6 months ago
Sorry, I said GAY BACTERIA