Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 8 months ago
You know, being 1/2 Korean and 1/2 typical white American I can say y’all shouldn’t be sleeping on potato salad. You can use other and additional ingredients than mayo. My Korean family fucking loves my white family’s potato salad. 8 months ago
Mayo??? Potato salad is made with mustard not mayo what the fuck 8 months ago
As a Midwesterner, potato salad is made with a mixture of real mayonnaise and yellow mustard. Finely diced onion and celery with a dash of old and flavorless paprika for color to round it all out. Salt and pepper to taste. You wouldn’t want it to be too spicy you know.
Some heretics will add diced dill pickle on occaision - my one Grandmother would sometimes do this after drinking too much. This is generally considered a social faux pas, though us Mid-westerners are too polite and kind to actually say something about it. But we will look askance at you. And your children will never play with our kids ever again. 8 months ago
Needs some hard boiled eggs as well. 8 months ago
Extra hard. Get that nice green tint. That’s how you know they are done. 8 months ago
Oh my bad! Of course it needs sliced had boiled eggs! I’m prepared to be shunned for the next year… 8 months ago
In my family we add copious amounts of dill pickles, eggs and pickle juice. Just a splash and only add it on the day of serving. 8 months ago
Mayo is the best way to make it.