Bruv you are severely misremembering the movement that allowed the alt right to coalesce. No one is saying it’s bad to not buy products you don’t want to buy. We’re saying it’s seriously concerning the racism and sexist that attached itself to that movement has congealed into something permanent in our political climate
Comment on The disturbing online misogyny of Gamergate has returned – if it ever went away 8 months ago
Yes, because reviewing products poorly and then not buying said products is aggressive harrassment. Im not obligated to buy products, even if Im not being pandered to. You are not entitled to my money. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Did you read the article? What are you trying to say?
Just after Summer Game Fest finished, the anti-woke gamers found a new target: a report at IGN, which credibly and comprehensively lays out a history of sexism at the developer of upcoming Planet-of-the-Apes-meets-Sekiro action game Black Myth: Wukong. The response – surprise! – was to go after the woman who wrote it, while also spinning up a ludicrous conspiracy theory that IGN was blackmailing the developer.
Targeted harassment of a journalist isn’t, “reviewing products poorly.” I went to go find an example of exactly what was being slung their way, but they took their whole profile private. 8 months ago
“which credibly and comprehensively lays out a history of sexism”. There was nothing credible about this.
The wukong sexism allegations were all made up or based on severly mistranslated Chinese statements, and they magically appeared after the company behind wukong had refused to pay SBI a 7m dollar extortion fee. 8 months ago
Shock of shocks, a company that refuses to work with a D&I consulting firm is soon found to have serious D&I problems.
Bro this is like saying there’s a conspiracy afoot because the cops “magically” showed up to arrest me just days after I shot someone in broad daylight, or that the tree “magically” only fell through your roof after you told the insurance salesman to fuck off, or that your house only flooded “magically” right after you told the plumbers you could handle the burst pipe yourself. 8 months ago
Did they also mistranslate the Chinese women commenting on trailers that the studio is gross and don’t want women playing their game?
It’s honestly tragic, if you read that article it’s primarily about the Chinese game industry culture with one game and studio used as an example because it’s a supposedly a AAA game to rival western studios.…/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-histor…
We’re being asked to believe ign has slandered a large Chinese studio, entirely made up, and kept the article up regardless. It just doesn’t hold water. Harrassing some poor women off social media and writing long comments about everything being made up is easy, but ign are still standing by the article six months after it was published. 8 months ago
The entire article at this point is just “these women who want to be anonymous claim x and y”, with all other “evidence” gone now. I can make similar claims about IGN and my claims would hold as much water. 8 months ago
Hi there, you seem to be equating death threats and harassment with voting with your wallet, which is wrong and stupid and you should fucking know better.
Also, if everybody else doesn’t need to feel pandered to in order to feel good buying a game with a protag that looks like you, you being so “principled” and “vote with your wallet” about games featuring characters that look like everyone else is pretty fucking sus.
You don’t live in a bubble of no context, where this energy at defending black consumers who aren’t interested in yet another generic brunette white male dudebrotagonist with the snarky quips even Spidey and Joss Whedon would be cringing at. 8 months ago
Mate, theres thousands of quality games that pander to me, more than Ill ever have time to play. Why would I bother with with a game thats not particularly good and doesnt even pretend to want my money? 8 months ago
I’m not sure which game this comment is in context of, but steam reviews showcase the issues pretty clearly. For example, I went on the steam reviews for MTGA at one point for fun and saw a comment complaining about there not being enough white male masculine looking avatars. I’m not sure how Gideon Jura (literally the definition, even in cards, of a masculine white guy) and Garruk are not masculine enough for this person lol.
Most likely, from how the comment read, they were complaining about the female portraits and portraits with non-white characters. I’m assuming they missed the NB character portrait (Niko Aris) since they didn’t specifically call them out.
I also remember back when Horizon: Zero Dawn came out there were a lot of people complaining about a female MC. Personally, that was one of my favorite parts of the game since it gave a non-traditional perspective of the story in my opinion. Maybe some people disagree, and that’s fine, but giving a game a poor review just because the MC is female is honestly just a dishonest review of the game.
You are not entitled to my money.
I don’t think the article claimed anyone was, at least from my read of it. It’s your loss if you refuse to enjoy games over such a petty reason though.
It’s also honestly just childish to give a game you haven’t played a bad review for having a more diverse cast. The main character is literally on the box art - if it bothers you, then the game is clearly not for you. It’s like me reviewing an otome game poorly because I don’t like otome games. 8 months ago
You should educate yourself on the subject 👍 because you look like you’re defending literal death threats 8 months ago
Are these death threats in the room with us right now? 8 months ago
If your claim is that randos on the internet don’t send death threats at the drop of a hat, you must be new here. We all know gd well everyone involved recieved death threats. 8 months ago
And I’m sure you have at least one example. After all, there are a lot of rapists out there too, but we aren’t going to accuse anyone until we have some evidence.