Comment on Am I ruining my liver? 8 months ago
Wrong question, I would argue. If you have a morning headache, you should really find the root of that and try to resolve it making the medication unnecessary.
Comment on Am I ruining my liver? 8 months ago
Wrong question, I would argue. If you have a morning headache, you should really find the root of that and try to resolve it making the medication unnecessary. 8 months ago
I know, but I’ve headaches since I was about 10 (now almost ~30), and the only causes for this that I can seriously come up with is: being sensitive af in general, which then leads to being (subconsciously) easily stressed, which then, results in headache. This happens during the day, but I also (more) frequently wake up with a headache for no reason. This even happens in the summer, when I’m not doing ANYthing (no school, university, work). I am generally perfectly healthy. I am hydrated, eat healthy, etc. I don’t exercise an awful lot, but when I do (for months), I barely notice any difference.
Being “sensitive” (whatever that means exactly) is the only weird but plausible explanation. Reading the other comments, though, like sleep apnea, I’m curious if that’s anything… 8 months ago
If you have the option, I would suggest going to a Dr before assuming anything is the only plausible explanation.
Personally, I found out about my neck / posture issues (even though outwardly I have decent looking posture so I never assumed it would be that), got some excercises from a physio and a completely different pillow, and that combo drastically reduced my headaches 8 months ago
But did you talk about it with a medical trained person ? In the end its just a damaged nerve in your neck or sonething that can be easily fixed with proper care. 8 months ago
I did many times but most of the time I was just advised to “try eating and sleeping better” which I kind of already did, but improving those did not make a difference whatsoever. I also went to many physiotherapists and one manual orthopedic doctor. Nothing was ever improved.
Except one time when I went to a acupuncturist who also added some spiritual woo, and that actually remedied a part of it. 8 months ago
That combined with what you mentioned about cannabis triggering your headache sounds like the issue might be your trigeminal nerve (my guess mylohyoid) or similar nerve branch in the neck area. Sleeping likely causes it because there’s constant pressure on it at night as you sleep.
An orthopedic pillow might help, something such as this for example:…/B09964WTF5?th=1&psc=1
Alternative hypothesis would be it’s blood pressure related, perhaps orthostatic hypotension or fluctuating hypertension - you can test this by getting a good blood pressure machine and checking in the morning before you get up from bed without moving much, immediately after sitting up, immediately after standing, and then stay standing still for 1 minute and take again.
Probably don’t need the coffee by the way considering the medicine you take (Ritalin) 8 months ago
Find another doctor, and another one after that…
Unfortunately, most doctors SUCK, if you have even a slightly complicated or unusual problem. 8 months ago
I have some chronic pain issues as well, some of which were solved and some are managed. I'm sorry you're going through this. Have you tried getting a second opinion or maybe a different type of medical provider? I had headaches as well that turned out to be largely brought on by stress and also some bad posture. I did get an MRI+MRA just to be sure nothing was actually wrong in the brain itself, but techniques to reduce the causes were helpful to me. Good luck! 8 months ago
CBG can be really helpful for headaches. I use it for migraines and a lot of times i can wait until i get home to take prescription meds that make me feel weird. Lots of people use it as a preventative with about half the frequency/severity. Helps with migraine nausea too. 8 months ago
Another hypothesis is bruxism (teeth grinding). Some people have it during the day, others (like me) have it during sleep. Stress and anxiety makes it worse. I only discovered I had it because people heard me biting my teeth against each other while asleep. I went to a dentist, she made me a mouth guard that I use every night before going to sleep, and the morning headaches stopped since then. 8 months ago
I tried this as well. I bought a (DIY) mouth guard. Did not do much if anything, unfortunately.
This was at the same time I heard about injecting botox in your head skin to relax muscles. Sounds weird but worth a try 8 months ago
Ok, follow up question. If you don’t take a painkiller in the morning, how does the headache progress? 8 months ago
Usually it will not go away the whole day. Only in the evening that it starts to subside. And when I decide to take it, I need to do it in a specific way. E.g. direct lying extremely comfortably, but not sleeping, or it won’t be as effective. Or drinking coffee in front of my pc. And a few other ones. I don’t get why but I usually just feel what specific ‘ritual’ works best for any given moment. Sometimes I guess wrong and the headache won’t disappear. This combination with coffee and adhd med seems to work best though. 8 months ago
Migraines come during sleep like that, but if Paracetamol works no way is it a migraine. That stuff literally does nothing for any pain I’ve had, ever.
I agree with everyone here, this seems like a lifestyle thing - if your body is indeed sensitive to stress and relaxation, you are not doing it any favors with the paracetamol. Likely too stressed in day, too relaxed at night, the sudden change a trigger. Obviously you don’t want to fix that by being tense while asleep, so tackling the day stress responses make more sense. Do you exercise?
What happens if you just have either coffee or the Adderall in the morning, without the painkiller drug? 8 months ago
Not tested excessively, but quite sure it’s not relieving the headache whatsoever.
I do not exercise. Usually I cycle to uni about 40mins a day, 4 times a week. I’ve exercised more rigorously in the past, running each day, but the effect is not significant… So unfortunate. But exercise is quite wearisome 8 months ago
Have you seen a neurologist or headache specialist or only a GP? If there is a cause maybe it can be treated and you can find relief. I do get migraines, but not every day, not even every week. My other guess is allergies, but in any event, keep a good record of what you are doing and feeling, and bring the information to a doctor! I don’t think it’s wrong at all to post and ask though, you get more ideas and that will help.
Running doesn’t help me as much as a vigorous yoga class, the “flow” kind that is more athletic and movement based, then moves to static poses at the end. Or dancing, that works too. The cycling sounds like enough, honestly, anything that is regular and kind of exhausting, will relax your mind.