The bowling ball also pulls the earth towards itself. This amount is imperceptibly small but still there
Comment on Falling 9 months agoSo why does the bowling ball fall faster in a vacuum? Does it appear faster locally because the heavier object makes local time slower than the lighter object compared to a distant observer? I’m trying to understand what the meme is getting at. 9 months ago 9 months ago
I’m trying to understand as well. 8 months ago
Because it, ever so slightly, pulls Earth towards it with it’s own, miniscule gravity. 8 months ago
But that doesn’t make the bowling ball fall faster to a distant observer, just the earth fall twords the ball. To an observer on earth it would appear to fall faster though. 8 months ago
Yeah, I think the meme is intended from the perspective of an observer on Earth. 8 months ago
The ball’s acceleration is identical to the feather’s, but it’s fall ends up shorter. 9 months ago
That’s the neat thing: it doesn’t