This is actually the first time I’m hearing about single electron theory, but I feel validated now that I’m learning about it. I have for a long time believed that the universe is made of a single photon, since photons exist outside of time. Then, if electrons are made of a “pair” of entangled photons, since every photon is the same photon, it would follow that every electron is also the same electron. And one could assert that quarks are just entangled electrons and positrons in various ratios and combinations. Which in my mind leads to the conclusion that all of time and space and matter doesn’t actually exist and we are just imaginary mathematical figments.
Comment on Electrons 9 months ago
There might only be one, ever. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Welcome to quantum field theory! 9 months ago
Not in the current standard model, for sure. Or is there a reason empirically why they simply can’t be. 9 months ago
Some properties of the electron are not present in photons, such as the lepton number and the electric charge.
It’s possible to create an electron positron pair out of a couple of high energy photons, but that is also true with many other elementary particles.
For a good intuitive introduction to this topic, i suggest Feynman’s book QED…/0691164096/
It’s a short read, and explains how positrons can be seen as electrons going backwards in time! 9 months ago
…Here’s Tom with the weather? 9 months ago
For the people downvoting, may I hear a counterpoint as to why this wouldn’t make sense? 9 months ago
Mom says it’s my turn with the single universal electron! 9 months ago
Look. Time Traveling Ellie’s going to make sure everybody gets their fair share of charge. As long as we make sure she doesn’t get in her own way it’s all good. 9 months ago
I asked for an electron for Christmas and Grandma got me an electron NEUTRINO 🙄🙄🙄 9 months ago
These gifts are getting out of hand. How did she keep it under wraps in the first place?