Yeah, last time someone tried to mug me, I realized he had two buddies behind me forming a triangle around me.
Like, I’m a big guy, the three of them added together might have had 50 pounds on me tops. And I was drunk and stupid enough I was just going to fight my way out of it.
But after a punch to the face I sobered up enough to realize what was going on and that if either of those guys behind me had a knife I was completely fucked. And we were in a nightlife area where there was literally at least one stabbing a weekend.
So I just made a path thru the one in front of me and gtfo.
I don’t know if muggings are as popular as they used to be now that no one carries cash, but if I see a gun or knife I’m 100% giving it up.
I’d probably try to take my ID out first. But even that’s a mild inconvenience, nothing close to getting shot/stabbed over. 9 months ago
The loser of a knife fight dies in the street. The winner dies in the ambulance.