At our work a long time ago they switched out the phones and I think but I’m not sure it was going to voip.
Comment on Are all phone calls voip (voice over Internet protocol) now? 9 months ago
Not landlines, I don’t think. And I don’t think all cell phones either. 9 months ago 9 months ago
I’m pretty sure landlines are mostly VoIP now, at least in Canada. Every home phone plan I could find (with picurest of old people of course lol) were VoIP based, which also allows small competitors here to at least have some phone options, because the big companies don’t have to sell bulk prices of their cellular towers to smaller competitors. 9 months ago
In the US my mom has some old rotary analog phones that simply wouldn't work with her new service. Had to buy her an analog to digital converter before they started working again. Most phone service comes through your internet modem now, so if they aren't phased out yet, they are working on it. 9 months ago
Re: landlines
Technically they are from the CO (central office) once they hit the carrier’s trunk.
Re: Cell phones
I’m not sure about 3G, but VoLTE (voice over LTE) is VoIP.