- Comment on Are all phone calls voip (voice over Internet protocol) now? 9 months ago:
In the US my mom has some old rotary analog phones that simply wouldn't work with her new service. Had to buy her an analog to digital converter before they started working again. Most phone service comes through your internet modem now, so if they aren't phased out yet, they are working on it.
- Comment on How can I clean my mouse wheel without taking apart my mouse? 1 year ago:
I was very ready to post "Buy a 21st century mouse." lol
- Comment on "Why are TV Cameras still huge and expensive?" 1 year ago:
I haven't watched the video but I have to imagine they are lugging around a portable computer to some extent. RAID SSDs for storage of native 4K footage because pyrotechnics are expensive and no one wants to film that shit twice because the camera crapped out. But I could be wrong.
- Comment on Why shouldn’t I just give up on Lemmy? 1 year ago:
"Magazines" over in kbin. I've been using it and like it.
- Comment on Edgerunners Cybercarl (humor for a very select cross fandom) 1 year ago:
This is great lol. Thanks for sharing!
- Comment on Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal 1 year ago:
This is great for teachers. Overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated!