Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 7 months agoEven 100% freshly juiced fruit with no additives is a sugar bomb.
Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 7 months agoEven 100% freshly juiced fruit with no additives is a sugar bomb. 7 months ago
different kinds of sugar 7 months ago
Fructose isn’t good for you, either. 7 months ago
Sugar is sugar.
It really doesn’t matter if it’s naturally occurring or added after the fact. It’s sugar.
Debating what kinds of sugar are better for you is kind of like debating which landmine is better to step on.
Don’t get me wrong, the occasional sugary beverage is fine. But juice is never going to be good for you. Even arguably. 7 months ago
You’re trading HFCS for plain old sugar. Most fruits are approximately 50/50 fructose and glucose, while HFCS is between 42% and 55% fructose, with the balance being glucose.
Chemically and biologically, they are basically the same.