Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 9 months ago^ This. Diet Coke/Pepsi if you’re LUCKY. Otherwise, water.
Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 9 months ago^ This. Diet Coke/Pepsi if you’re LUCKY. Otherwise, water. 9 months ago
Do you people’s restaurants not serve iced tea? 9 months ago
In some states iced tea would also be full of sugar. And “hot tea” is a dry teabag next to a cup of warmish water. 9 months ago
As an iced tea enjoyer, who has been to almost 40 states that is absolutely untrue. I’ve never been to any restaurant that serves sweet tea but does not serve unsweetened as well. Some places especially in the north don’t consistently have either, but in my experience, if they have one they always have the other 9 months ago
Nope. Plenty of places in the midwest only carry unsweet and “flavored”, not regular sweet tea. The flavor is usually extra sweet fruit flavored syrup like raspberry or peach. 9 months ago
Here in Canada it is mostly just sweet tea 9 months ago
I have been all over the continental United States of America, except California, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, and that other state up there between California and Washington that I always think is Vermont, driving a truck and have literally never been to a place that had sweet tea but not unsweet.
I’ve seen a few the other way around, but that was in New England, about as far from sweet tea culture as you can get.
Maybe a gas station or a fast food joint that use the syrups instead of brewed, but you don’t want to drink that shit 9 months ago
I live in GA, where if you order tea it will be defaulted to sweet tea. However, I have never seen a place that doesn’t have unsweet - you just have to order it that way. 9 months ago
The trick is “Unsweetened Ice Tea”, which not everyone has. :(