Especially since it’s a single wolf. I don’t think I’d choose a pack over the others.
Comment on The second matchup of the tournament 7 months ago
I’d pick wolf. They generally leave you alone and don’t want anything to do with you. I don’t know shit about gorillas 7 months ago 7 months ago
Also, wolves are crap at climbing trees. 7 months ago
Gorillas will tear off your face and testicles AFAIK. Just imagine the depraved shit a human would do to you assuming they could get away with it without repercussion.
They wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you up. 7 months ago
Gorillas are WAY more chill than chimpanzees. Just dint make eye contact and be respectful to the gorilla and it will leave you alone. They know that they are capable of fucking you up, and they know you know.