How is it capitalist propagarda exactly? Parker Brothers might have screwed her over, but it’s impossible to come out of a game of monopoly feeling more symphatetic towards landlords than when you started.
I mean, there isn’t really much evidence it does though, feeling good from being wealthy mostly comes down to not being worried about your material welfare and stability. Beyond that, owning everything really doesn’t make people any happier or more actualized as people. It is just an empty drug that unlike more fun drugs, hurts a massive amount of people every time you take it. 9 months ago
How is it capitalist propagarda exactly? Parker Brothers might have screwed her over, but it’s impossible to come out of a game of monopoly feeling more symphatetic towards landlords than when you started. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Meaning, at the end of the game, more people hate the rich than are the rich. It’s not capitalist propaganda. 9 months ago
I bet it does though 9 months ago
I mean, there isn’t really much evidence it does though, feeling good from being wealthy mostly comes down to not being worried about your material welfare and stability. Beyond that, owning everything really doesn’t make people any happier or more actualized as people. It is just an empty drug that unlike more fun drugs, hurts a massive amount of people every time you take it. 9 months ago
I.e., perfect satire of the current system? 9 months ago