Comment on Monopoly 9 months agoI mean, there isn’t really much evidence it does though, feeling good from being wealthy mostly comes down to not being worried about your material welfare and stability. Beyond that, owning everything really doesn’t make people any happier or more actualized as people. It is just an empty drug that unlike more fun drugs, hurts a massive amount of people every time you take it. 9 months ago
How do they even study such a thing? Ask megawealthy if they’re happy and they’ll ask something “modest” like “it’s alright, you know life was so simple when I was poor” lol 9 months ago 9 months ago
On a personal level? 9 months ago
Mostly they don’t, especially because this kind of realization is an existential threat to the entire high end luxury industry. 9 months ago
Is it too much to ask to get more people like Crassus instead of the lameass modern wealthy people. I want private armies with billionaire generals waging stupid wars