It’s funny how much survivorship bias we have. Movies, Music, Games. It’s so easy to forget how bad some previous stuff was.
Comment on Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape 9 months agoIt’s easy to remember just the successes of the past and ignore the fact that the vast majority of media then was shit too… we’ve simply forgotten about the things that ended up being mediocre. Survivorship bias is really really strong. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Nah fam – go look at the movies that came out in 92 or 94. They were all absolute masterpieces we still about. There’s definitely a filter of time but there’s a reason for the precedent. 9 months ago
I’d love to see a scientific study that shows this, if the effect really does exist. 9 months ago
The complete lack of Hollywood creativity? You’re trying to use science to prove art. Just look at the releases that came out those years. 9 months ago
It’s like nostalgia blinders.
An example a lot of people here can relate to is thinking about game consoles and handhelds they played growing up like the GBA.
There were likely some great games produced for it but there was also a lot of shovelware movie tie-ins and horrendous ports that were misrepresented in advertisements.