It doesn’t say that I’m the text. It literally says that it is CALLED a gateway drug because of what SOME people do.
Comment on The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. 9 months agoMarijuana being a gateway drug. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Yup, that’s a good one. Gateway drug notion is generally iffy at the absolute most generous.
This one wasn’t as “smoking the weed will make you do heroin and die” as others, just “some people do other things after doing this one”, but it’s still not super worth mentioning. 9 months ago
What are you supposed to do? Start with meth? 9 months ago
Yeah, that’s the thought. That or ecstacy or something.
In reality, it’s mostly that it’s so common that everyone who might do “hard drugs” would have been exposed to pot as just background noise, like alcohol or chocolate ice cream.It only gets a shade of credence because there have been studies indicating that some people start with pill based drugs and then just leave it at that with a “hard drug” incidence rate lower than someone who smoked pot.
The sample sizes are so small that the only real conclusion someone can draw is that it’s not definitely false and it needs more study. But it’s not that important, so funding is slow and 9 months ago
Yeah my bullshit detector is going off for the pills thing as well. The fact that they’re pills (small, compact, no smoking/smell) would skew it heavily. 9 months ago
That was the only thing that popped out to me. 9 months ago
I mean that’s been a “thing” since at least the late 80s. Not that i think its accurate but its all too common an opinion you will find that isnt completely batshit crazy. 9 months ago
DARE came to my HS in the mid-late 80s. A cop was standing at a table with various things on it. One of which was a big bag of weed. I said,“Damn! That’s a big bag of weed!” The cop replied, totally seriously,“THAT’S ENOUGH WEED TO KILL YOU!!!” My friends and I just laughed and walked away. 9 months ago
Also being the most abused drug. I’d say that would be caffeine. There are more people who take caffeine daily than cannabis. But this seems to be about “bad” drugs, not “good” drugs. 9 months ago
I’d give it to alcohol, not caffeine personally. I wouldn’t say most people “abuse” caffeine, they just drink it.
Abuse to me implies having a negative impact, and I can think of more people who have been negatively impacted by weed than by caffeine, but way more from alcohol than either, and with a significantly more negative impact.
I know people who smoke too much and it’s definitely made them stagnate in life and gain a lot of weight.
I know people who drink way too much caffeine and get insomnia, leading to a cycle of discomfort and heartburn from all the coffee.
I know people who drank too much alcohol and died, or developed terrible health complications.
Most people are totally fine with all of them, but alcohol is easily the worst and most common.