Always is. They went too far. They scale back and try again when the dust has settled.
Oldest trick in the books
Comment on Glorious Victory 10 months ago
Getting abusive parent vibes from the language of Sony’s post.
Always is. They went too far. They scale back and try again when the dust has settled.
Oldest trick in the books
Starting off with “we’ve heard your feedback” is something I’ve never heard from an abusive parent?
“I understand you’re upset but…”
Naw it’s more like “we did something we knew would make you incredibly uncomfortable; but now that you’re screaming we’re worried about the neighbors hearing it and we don’t want the cops called on us, so we’ll back off until a more opportune time.” 10 months ago
Corporate PR speak always sounds cringe and I despise it. Just be humans you fucking pricks. 10 months ago
Tbf, I’ve seen what happens to indies when they’re just humans in how they talk to their customers/fans. HR speak exists for a reason unfortunately 10 months ago
Nah, I’d rather they keep speaking like this. Makes it really obvious from the get go who I’m dealing with. If they speak normally, they might blend in