Comment on There's Jews for Jesus, are there Christians against Christ? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’m 100% convinced that if Christ came today the majority of white American Christians would call him a demon and one of them will end up shooting him. Especially if he came back as a man of color that spread anti-capitalist ideas and hung out with the poor, sick, and unwanted. They’d never, ever, tolerate that.

IF Christianity is true, a large amount of souls of self-proclaimed “Christians” are in danger of damnation. They are actually doing Satan’s work for him. The issue are the ones 100% certain they are “saved” while spouting racist, evil things at the same time. How do you talk to people like that? How do you convince them that they are in fact 100% wrong? I’m an atheist, so most wouldn’t even take me seriously.
