Red dead got labour of love for how shitty the dev situation was when working on the game tho.
Red Dead is a work of art. It’s just shameful that Rockstar has neglected it.
Starfield is such a piece of shit, it actually gets me upset thinking about how bad of an experience it was. I finished it just so I would know how it turns over and I’m still angry about it. Thankfully I waited until it was less than $50 10 months ago 10 months ago
If Labor of Love had to go to a huge project, it should have gone to CyberPunk 2077. The devs had it at least as bad, if not worse, and oh they actually massively significantly improved the game.
RDR2 has uh… do they even still add new clothes? 10 months ago
It doesn’t need to go to a huge project, it needs to go to a project that was supported for a long time by dedicated devs who like working on the game and put in their all into it etc. Red dead was literally all crunch, devs hated working on it, and it stopped immediately after release. 10 months ago
If I paid for starfield I would have felt annoyed about it. Played it on game pass so probably spent half price or less on the subscription time. It was fine, but not full price fine. 10 months ago
Shit I played star field on game pass, which I get for free, and I’m still annoyed at how bad that game was. Didn’t even finish it 10 months ago
yeah i was mostly just thinking how stupid it is to vote for starfield as “most innovative gameplay” 10 months ago
Yeah I hear that. At one point I was thinking why didn’t they turn the ai generator on the random shit instead of the world. Like there’s all these worlds and only one package type for everything? The immersion could have been amazing if there was 50 different packages of Chunks or whatever. 10 months ago
Still laughing at anyone who watched Fallout 76 happen then willingly purchased a Bethesda game before two weeks after release to allow for some actual reviews to happen and the hype train to lessen. 10 months ago
I mean, I never expect a Bethesda game to come without game breaking caveats on release.
They just used to be worth it anyways.