Don’t let them pressure you! My wife often nags me about my cable drawer, but my tendency to hoard old tech has saved the day more than once.
We once drove halfway across Canada to a wedding, which was at a campground outside of Montreal. As they were setting up for the reception someone in the wedding party asked if I knew where they could get a particular video adapter. I was like, “Oh, I’ve got one in my bag.” I hadn’t brought that adapter across two provinces for any real reason, but it sure came in handy.
Another time we were visiting a friend about an hour away. He mentioned needing a power cable for a desktop computer. I was like, “Oh, I’ve got a whole desktop in the trunk of my car. You want the whole thing or just the power cable?” 10 months ago
You know that the second you throw them out and they’re gone, you’re gonna need those exact things to fix something. 10 months ago
I’d rather have the cluttered cable drawer than something far worse: the feeling of shame at paying money for something I discarded and could have already had for free. 10 months ago
I’ve had people mock me for my cable pile, then comes the day they need some weird obscure connection that hasn’t been on the market for a decade, not so stupid now is it my friend … 10 months ago
It’s not any worse than paying for car insurance. In fact it’s probably a better investment. 10 months ago
I still have a FireWire 400 to DV cable.
I no longer have a DV Camera or a FireWire 400 port, but I’m keeping that damn cable. 10 months ago
I also have one. I imagine it could be rather painful to acquire today. 10 months ago
I’ve thrown away all but one of each older connector before and just like clockwork, I needed two mini USB later that week. Micro? I was all set. Mini, I thought it was safe now.