New years day is always a holiday that doesn’t fall on any other day of the calendar. It’s just kind of its own thing. No idea how that would actually work irl but that is usually how this proposal is explained.
Kinda sounds easier to implement tbh, like, right now leap days are in a specific month, but wouldn’t it (in addition to a hypothetical new years day) be easier to handle and remember if they are a very explicit part of the calendar system?
On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, now there is a day that is not part of a week, or a month. And we have a month and a week that don’t immediately follow after the previous one. 10 months ago
New years day is always a holiday that doesn’t fall on any other day of the calendar. It’s just kind of its own thing. No idea how that would actually work irl but that is usually how this proposal is explained. 10 months ago
As a software engineer, I beg of you 10 months ago
We just shut down the servers for one day a year and reboot all of them. How hard can it be? 10 months ago
Ok, and we just don’t process any of the data from that day, ever? 10 months ago
Network switches with over 10 years of uptime chuckle nervously 10 months ago
Just invent 0. Array starts from 0 so can new year 10 months ago
Zero Nonuary. 10 months ago
You’ve been given the zeroth place 10 months ago
And leap year? 10 months ago
Kinda sounds easier to implement tbh, like, right now leap days are in a specific month, but wouldn’t it (in addition to a hypothetical new years day) be easier to handle and remember if they are a very explicit part of the calendar system? 10 months ago
On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, now there is a day that is not part of a week, or a month. And we have a month and a week that don’t immediately follow after the previous one. 10 months ago
You’ll also need plan for timezones as well.