I’m impressed at how much time you spend on lemmy, and how little you spend actually reading any of the articles you get outraged over.
There is absolutely zero in this article about RTO. It’s all about not working in your bed as that can develop poor sleep habits. It’s all about acting in a way so you get good sleep. Why anyone would get outraged over this or turn this into part of some grand conspiracy between the media and big business to get people back into the office is beyond me.
Clearly this is what the submitter is attempting to imply. Don’t be so easily played.
Coreidan@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Uhhhh I think you might want to look into your diet. Chairs don’t give hemorrhoids. A bad diet will tho.
FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Yeah, okay. The bleeding started when I started working there and stopped when I sat on a hemorrhoid pillow. Must have been my diet.
Coreidan@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Sounds like you were doing it wrong.
You’re not supposed to thrust the chair into your asshole.
thefartographer@lemm.ee 10 months ago
Your rules and my desires do not align
voracitude@lemmy.world 10 months ago
You’re wrong about chairs. You’re right about a bad diet, but sitting for 10+ hours a day will cause or exacerbate haemorrhoids. One of many sources available on the internet: www.mayoclinic.org/…/syc-20360268
Not to mention personal experience. Thanks for chiming in, though.