The kids came up with the joke:
“Do you like fish sticks?” (Pronounced like “fish dicks”)
Then, when the person said yes, they’d call them a gay fish.
The joke becomes a meme on the show, but Kanye West doesn’t get it, despite having it explained to him. He thinks the joke is directed at him personally, and does actual scientific research to find out why people think he is a gay fish. At the end of the episode, he accepts his fate, and decides to live as a gay fish (complete with a catchy autotuned song.) 10 months ago
Say it out loud.
“Do you like fish sticks?”
“Then you’re a gay fish.”
Kanye in the show didn’t get it and thought people were calling him a gay fish. So if real Kanye didn’t get the joke, and got mad because he thought South Park was calling him a gay fish… that’s just incredible. 10 months ago
I still don’t get it 10 months ago
Are you by chance kanye west? In all seriousness it’s because fish sticks sounds like fish dicks 10 months ago
Oooooooooooh… I might not be Kanye, but it seems I am of similar intelligence. 10 months ago
Isn’t that still a roundabout way of calling him a gay fish? 10 months ago
Fish sticks… Fish’s dicks… 10 months ago
You obviously didn’t get the joke.
They were calling Kanye gay because he was the first rapper to wear a pink jumper. 10 months ago
No. They’ve publicly said they came up with the stupid joke first, then applied it to Kanye later because he seemed like a guy that wouldn’t get the joke (and were later shown to be right). 10 months ago…/just_a_reminder_that_kanye_still_doe…