the guy she was going towards knew it was her, and he was calling her.
it looks like someone else started the “she’s coming right for us” and then others joined in - but the original cop immediately shouted “stop its her” or something.
so seriously fucked up. 10 months ago
She was out of the car and crouched down alone when one of the cops said “its her, shes out the passenger door” and told ger to walk towards them. Dispatch said the samr thing. As shes walking towards the cops as insteucted BY THE COPS, other cops open fire on her, shooting her several times and killing her. 10 months ago
How do you know which officer is giving instructions, who they are near, and who heard it?
In the video, I see at least eight officers, at least 20m away from the vehicle in all directions.
Who was the one that shot her?
Is there another source you can reference explaining the details? Because there’s no way anyone could know based on the video and article.
That said, this is about as American as a police interaction can be. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Facts matter. I’m not in the position to defend anyone, as it’s hard to know exactly what happened, even after watching the video several times.
When you’re in a situation where bullets are flying from both the “'good” and “bad” guy, innocent victims can, and do, get killed. This happens more often than you’d think, and there isn’t a perfect way to end a situation like this. Everyone’s life is at risk when you’ve got a murderer in a car not willing to surrender.
The narrative that all those officers, except for one, wanted the KIDNAP VICTIM to be shot and killed is so deranged and incomprehensible outside an American mindset.
Let’s not lose focus here. The father who kidnapped her is ultimately the one to blame. His actions led to her death.