Nah, manicured lawns can’t coexist with healthy ecosystems. They’re hugely wasteful in general. There are alternatives that are equally nice to run on like clover and many areas have their own soft ground cover that’s native. The best thing about native plants is that they’re almost always lower maintenance. It just doesn’t make sense to keep wasting water and other resources on lawns imo.
I recently let my garden grow wild and it’s crazy how many flowers came up on their own. Now I’ve got all kinds of little critters and birds I hardly ever see elsewhere. The only thing I pull are goat head weeds because fuck those things lmao 11 months ago
Ya, grass isn’t inherently a bad thing. A lawn where I live in some serious desert is grotesquely wasteful, an appreciated lawn in other regions not so bad.
It’s not the grass, it’s capitalism. It’s the eradication of native species for profit, and the spreading of fossil fuel derived fertilizers and poisons to support conspicuous consumption (golf, keeping up with the Joness, etc) that is problematic.