- Comment on Very understandable, have a nice day 10 months ago:
Of course. But I keep it to myself if it’s not actually hurting me. It seems so senseless to make someone ashamed of something like that.
- Comment on Very understandable, have a nice day 10 months ago:
I have misiphonia actually lol. I can’t eat at restaurants because the sound of metal cutlery scraping together or scraping on people’s teeth causes me physical pain and makes my own teeth “itch” for lack of a better word. It really sucks but I don’t go around shaming people for eating in a way that’s normal for them either.
So, I definitely get it but mocking people for sighing in contentment over their lil toasty cup of coffee seems criminal to me. It feels like there’s not enough joy in the world right now to be making people feel bad about silly things like that ya know? :/
- Comment on Very understandable, have a nice day 10 months ago:
Someday I hope my life is so free of real problems that the way a guy drinks his coffee is a big enough issue that I complain about it lol
- Comment on Very understandable, have a nice day 10 months ago:
I don’t make the ahhh sound but I do hold it with both hands close to my face. It’s for the warmth and I really couldn’t care less about anyone that weirdly has an issue with that. What a strange thing to be bothered by…
- Comment on It's not enough to touch grass 11 months ago:
Nah, manicured lawns can’t coexist with healthy ecosystems. They’re hugely wasteful in general. There are alternatives that are equally nice to run on like clover and many areas have their own soft ground cover that’s native. The best thing about native plants is that they’re almost always lower maintenance. It just doesn’t make sense to keep wasting water and other resources on lawns imo.
I recently let my garden grow wild and it’s crazy how many flowers came up on their own. Now I’ve got all kinds of little critters and birds I hardly ever see elsewhere. The only thing I pull are goat head weeds because fuck those things lmao
- Comment on It's more interesting when self-directed 11 months ago:
I hated it but my teacher just had us read a book quietly and then tested us on it. Almost no interaction at all other than occasionally making us take turns reading it out loud which also just kinda sucks
- Comment on It's not enough to touch grass 11 months ago:
That’s not how it works. Grass isn’t just one thing. It’s a general term for a lot of different plants that may or may not be native.
- Comment on It's not enough to touch grass 11 months ago:
Focus on perfection? It’s harder to maintain an ugly cut grass lawn than to just let it go wild and plant some native grasses/plants to overtake it.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Nah, we’ll just disagree. The apology is you doing what you think you need to do to make it right or get out of a situation. What you said or did at first would be what you believed at the time. Immediately apologizing shows no growth at all.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
And he made that assumption based on? Because, again, we know for a fact she didn’t sound ignorant on the topic.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
I never said I’d bully anyone but I would absolutely remember behavior like that. You don’t get to act like a bigot and then just say you’re sorry. This isn’t christianity where everyone has to be forgiven no matter how shitty they are. This is real life where your words and actions have consequences.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
What other reason would you suggest as to why he would assume that he knows more than her or that she couldn’t be the person that he’s referring to? Clearly he didn’t even know her name yet so what did he have to go by to draw those conclusions?
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Privilege is writing off your own privilege as inherent in nature and then pointing at other groups of people going “but they’re allowed it’s not fair!!!”
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Experience isn’t an excuse for you to be willfully ignorant. That just makes you old and ignorant.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Not the “I know of this one poc that’s in a position of power and so white privilege doesn’t exist” argument lol
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
You can apologize, sure, but in that situation I would absolutely judge you strongly for it regardless. Forever or until you proved you grew out of that kind of bullshit.
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
I don’t know why Nintendo won’t just give us a proper Paper Mario again. What is their problem? It’s so annoying. Bug Fables was fantastic though definitely hard agree.
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
I’ve never seen anyone else ever mention King’s Field 🥹