- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
A ballsière
- Comment on Are there foods that dogs can safely eat but humans can't? 7 months ago:
I not sure this is true.
As I understand, humans have an extremely acidic stomach compared to other animals, even carnivores. Our stomach acid is on the level of scavengers, and this is to kill bacteria and parasites in the food we eat. Humans could be more tolerant of spoiled food than most other species.
The modern western diet/lifestyle can damage our digestive tract in ways that affect our pH and microbiome making us susceptible to what we should normally be tolerant of. Anyone taking antacids or dealing with heartburn type issues I would expect to more vulnerable to food poisoning since any pathogens can more easily pass deeper into our digestive tract.
The short digestive tract in a dog is all that is needed to extract nutrients from animal sources, digesting plants requires help from a microbiome and they need somewhere to live and do their work, this is why plant eaters have extensive digestive tracts that are not very acidic so they don’t kill them off. Humans (not sure about other animals) neutralize the “chime” exiting your stomach so that it’s pH is appropriate for the microbiome living in the intestines.
The human digestive tract suggest sit evolved for adaptability, a healthy human can safely eat anything from carrion (not saying it’s fine, just that we evolved to be able to survive it), be a vegetarian, or eat mostly meat and thrive.
- Comment on Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts 7 months ago:
Maybe the killer whales are showing us the way.
- Comment on Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts 7 months ago:
I sometimes wonder why out of all the people living in misery why someone hasn’t gone on to just pick a CEO and…
I have some guesses…
As long as mainstream media exists, any lone actor will be branded as a terrorist or murderer and will be viewed as this by most people rather than the start of a movement. This makes it very likely to be arrested or killed as well as bring harm and unwanted attention to your loved ones.
The rich people are fairly well protected, by living in exclusive neighborhoods, spending time where threats can’t afford to get near, knowing the police are there to protect them.
People are taught to give our right to self defense to the state, that self defense is not ok for “civilized people” except in cases of immediate mortal danger.
Don’t kid yourself, the whole point of the state is to facilitate relatively safe theft from classes not in control of it. We are taught to conflate it with “government” and told that it is necessary to prevent utter chaos.
- Comment on They only bust these babies out in June. 8 months ago:
This is only a slight exaggeration, all cookies are slowly being replaced by versions of Oreos.
- Comment on Did everyone stick to yesterday's agenda? 8 months ago:
Right!? 30 mins for Age of Sin!? Are they kidding? Is this shrinkflation?
- Comment on The world’s 8 richest billionaires have the same wealth as the poorest 50% of the global population of 3.8 billion people 8 months ago:
The word “state” when used this way refers to a group of people that feel entitled to use violence to formally dominate a given region. Unlike a simple gang, they create strict formal hierarchy and have rules that apply to those they dominate but not them. They are allowed to use violence and this is acceptable, me and you are not allowed to defend ourselves, we are to give up virtually all our “rights” to self-defense to the state. A state gaslights it’s victims into believing that it is necessary to protect them from themselves and other states, and the only way civilization can exist.
This is not to be confused with “government”, which is a management function most states perform to some degree and which does not require a state.
- Comment on The world’s 8 richest billionaires have the same wealth as the poorest 50% of the global population of 3.8 billion people 8 months ago:
State is the mechanism that allows them to exist, it is it’s purpose.
- Comment on accents 8 months ago:
Le Barque!!
- Comment on I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns. 8 months ago:
Oh, what about when there’s like 3 or 4 going in the same yard, sounds like that Tibetan Monk chanting with their motor rev going up and down.
I hate them, but we use gravel a lot here to save water and can’t think of a way to keep gravel walkways clear without blowing debris. Brooms, rakes, etc don’t work in this case.
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
- Comment on Implications 8 months ago:
Bummer, I haven’t felt this sad since learning about thermodynamics.
- Comment on AI is the future 8 months ago:
I love schnozzberrum
- Comment on Back in the 1970s when we switched to unleaded gas, what did the vehicles that ran on leaded gas do? 8 months ago:
it’s used in small plane aviation.
- Comment on Atari acquires Intellivision brand and over 200 games 8 months ago:
Burger Time is awesome!
Now I just have to hope for some sort of Odyssey 2 comeback.
- Comment on If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible? 9 months ago:
Depending on your definitions (empathy, sympathy, and compassion are often confusingly defined and contradictory between dictionaries), you ARE empathizing by realizing they are mental children. You’re just not sympathizing and therefore deciding no longer to act with compassion, which makes plenty of sense to me.
IMHO it’s good to empathize with the right (understand your attacker), but it’s also important have to understand that whatever the underlying reasons, these people, when activated into an idiot army they become a dangerous group.
The definitions that make the most sense to me is
Empathy - understanding the perspective of another, where there desires and fears come from. It takes intelligence to not just project one’s own personality on everyone else and understand that they are different.
Sympathy - Feeling in sync with another (like when you speak of sympathetic guitar strings causing each other to vibrate). Like you see the bombing in Gaza and not just understand that they don’t want to be bombed (empathy), but imagining the pain of losing your child.
Compassion - The positive treatment of another due to having sympathy for them
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
Still not quite getting my analogy. I’m not merely speaking of calories, or how we decide to dispose of waste.
I haven’t seen any evidence of this.
–> I’ve never seen anyone use this terminology before about “human eutrophication”, I made it up. But if you want more info on this topic,
The evidence is the apparent non-sustainable lifestyle that is only possible by the addition of energy not part of the natural short-term energy cycle of the planet. We are making species go extinct and destroying this planet.
By using fossil/nuclear energy we are able to produce enough food to quadruple the population this planet could sustain without that extra energy. All those extra people need more than food, and in producing all the other needs for this expanded population, we damage the ecosystem. The planet is not ours to use, we are
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
If you do that then count the deaths finding and acquiring nuclear materials, the political tensions nuclear materials cause and any related deaths, the deaths of people building the plant, the engineers that died in car accidents in the decade going back and forth to the office in their gas car in the plant planning stages, etc.
There is no perfect energy source, we should stop looking for “the one”, use the nuclear plants we have as we degrow and use more green energy (which is a scam if sold as a solution for eco problems on it’s own).
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
The fact that nuclear is still significantly better than
If you ignore that near everlasting radioactive waste problem we have yet to come with a solution for.
- Comment on Anon hates aluminum 9 months ago:
or white then too huh?
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
Yes, all of those things make it more likely for human numbers to grow even more, and in the process making more species extinct, and habitats destroyed.
Physics and biology tell us we are living unsustainably. Free energy just makes exploitation of the planet more efficient, wipe out nature even faster with more humans.
If we expect to exist in 100 years, degrowth is the only answer, green energy is a scam.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
To my knowledge, electric energy generated by heated water is not producing any kind of effect comparable to nitrogen dumped into a lake or CO2 into the atmosphere. If there’s some source suggesting otherwise, I’d be curious to read it.
You’re not understanding my analogy.
Eutrophication is the addition of too much food for one type of living thing in an environment, allowing it’s population to grow too large for the ecosystem to support. This is exactly what the Green Revolution was for humanity.
I think you’re confusing fossil fuels with fossil fertilizers.
I’m talking about fossil energy in general, all forms of it. Fossil fertilizers are one form of fossil energy.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
It’s not about shame, it’s about too much energy added to a system causing imbalance. Large scale use of nuclear or fossil energy does the same thing as adding tons of nitrogen to a lake (eutrophication). It’s temporarily great for the few nitrogen lovers but otherwise destroys the ecosystem.
By using nuclear or fossil energy, humans are causing the equivalent of eutrophication of our own environment.
- Comment on Anon hates aluminum 9 months ago:
Aluminum is dollar store tin, fight me.
- Comment on Anon hates aluminum 9 months ago:
It’s not really useful
I feel like I hear about it all the time in advanced tech like batteries and semi-conductors.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
So to make nuclear sound better it’s compared against the most polluting source?
I can’t say I’ve seen much push for more coal power plants.
The fact the nobody on any side likes to bring up (and most aren’t aware of tbh) is that using large amounts of energy that isn’t part of the natural cycle of the planet (i.e. current solar energy), whether that’s fossil energy (solar energy the the past), nuclear fission or fusion, it means the population of our species can grow beyond the carrying capacity (and I’m not speaking of simply making enough food, there are many other limits) and puts us into a race condition where we have to figure out how to colonize space before destroying the planet.
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 9 months ago:
- Comment on Yeah, I call BS 9 months ago:
Capitalism’s influence on science, they need to get funding or find other work.
- Comment on HOAs suck 9 months ago:
If you’re in a city, these things should be taken care of by the city and state. There is no need for an additional micro-state. My parents live in a community without an HOA, been there since 1990, somehow it’s possible. Without an HOA, or even a city (unincorporated area) the place has been able to take care of it’s needs for 35 years, it’s a nice, peaceful place.
- Comment on HOAs suck 9 months ago:
A functional community would not let infrastructure degrade to that point because it’s not in the interest of the community. This event you’re describing comes from greedy powerful people pushing off needed maintenance to buy a new Mercedes. The community would have systems in place to manage the infrastructure, infrastructure that could not be managed would not be built.
You’re basically asking “how would anarcho-communists deal with this huge mess made by authoritarian capitalists?”