Comment on temperature 11 months agoFreezer normally operates at -4F
You can’t survive without clothes at 55-60F, either.
100F will not burn you in an instant, but the comment went into long-term survival, and good luck surviving at that. 11 months ago
Not sure where you got -4F from.
USDA, United States Department of Agriculture, recommends 0°F or -17.8°C
100°F in the shade isn’t extreme, and you’d be able to survive normally (With more water, everyone can use more water)
100°F is hot tub water
120°F is recommended hot tap water
140°F water will pretty much burn you instantly 11 months ago
Guess what, Canada sets the freezer at -15 Celsius. The USDA just chose 0F because it’s good enough and a nice easy to remember number, there is nothing special about it.
Same with all your other numbers, your just using whatever the closest even F value is that’s easy to remember there’s nothing special about any of them and we have equivalents in Celsius 11 months ago
According to
Every 2 F is basically 1 C. You have more whole numbers with F.
Like -15°C is 5°F
6°F is -14.4444°C
-14°C is 6.8°F
So 5, 6, and 7°F are about equal to -15, -14.5, and -14°C.
And it’s not just a random number. You know how much more energy would be used if everyone kept their freezer just a couple degrees colder? It’s the optimum recommended temperature. 11 months ago
No it’s random and arbitrary. Those couple degrees improve shelf life and allow for better extermination of many organisms. There is no “golden temperature”, and so everyone flips it how they like it, and instead of what’s actually right this is often disctated by convenience. 11 months ago
The 120 and 140 don’t make that much sense unfortunately. 11 months ago
90-110 is hand washing temp. 100 average.
110 is hot
120 recommend max
130 very hot
140 very very hot
150 burns
If I said to you. Would you stick your hand in 50°C water for 100 dollars would you do it?
What about 60°C?
I bet you don’t know what would happen if you stuck your hand in 65°C water without looking it up. There’s a huge jump from 60° to 65°C. 70°C will instantly scald you.
Someone out there is stupid enough to think. Water boils at 100°C, 65 should be perfectly fine. Even though water doesn’t boil until 212°, most people would be cautious of sticking their hand in 100°F+ water.
Yes if you think 40°C+ is hot then you can gather that 65°C would be hotter. But why compare to 40° when you can do 100°. 11 months ago
Why compare it to 40°? Because I know what 40° feels like because I’ve been living in a civilized country with a civilized measurement system all my life. I can tell you that 65° is too hot, because I make my tea with 70° to 80° hot water. Therefore just before that will probably be too hot for my skin.
In the end, there is no objectively better system when it comes to day to day temperatures. But there is one when it comes to science, reliability and universality and that is Celsius.
All international science uses metric and slowly but surely the resistance amongst US universities melts away and they switch to metric as well. Give it another one or two generations and we’ll finally be rid of the outdated and arbitrary imperial system! 11 months ago
I can absolutely tell 65°C is too hot, that’s 5°C short of what is piped as literal hot water in the taps in my area.
I would not recommend going above 40°C for washing, and there is literally zero issue remembering that. Body temperature of a healthy human is 36,6-36,7°C (97,9-98,1°F), everything above that is hot.
As such, there is literally zero issue figuring 40°C is reasonably hot and 65°C is unreasonably hot, it doesn’t take a genius.
Speaking of water, Celsius is obviously superior as a water-based system. I can easily tell temperature in my kettle goes to 100°C (212°F, huh?), or steps down to 90°C (194°F??) or 80°C (176°F??) to brew a perfect cup of tea. When temperature outside goes 0°C (32°F??), I know I can expect ice and snow.
And finally, modern Fahrenheit scale is literally defined through Celsius. It’s a scale that is defined as 32°F at the freezing point of water (i.e. 0°C) and 212°F at water boiling point (i.e. 100°C). You’re literally using Celsius but make it harder for no reason. 11 months ago
Appreciate you. All I wanted was to have an interesting discussion. People in here acting like I shot the Pope.