It’s just brains in storage lockers all the way down
Comment on they told us we were crazy 11 months agoI mean we are all brains in a storage locker. It’s just a portable/mobile storage locker. 11 months ago 11 months ago
but how many of them are occupied by catgirls 11 months ago
I would imagine the answer to that is a non-zero number. 11 months ago 11 months ago
img 11 months ago
Yes! It’s this mentality that has helped me cope with some major life events. It really helps to put things in perspective when you realize that who you truly are is little more than a pink blob driving a meat skeleton. 11 months ago
And it is all the more fascinating when you think about all the other pink blobs that did not get the chance to exist like us - e.g. (non-avian) dinosaurs, but also too like chimps that can talk, walk, use tools, etc., but do not come anywhere close to our level of Mind.
Without getting into any particular religion (even though this is almost a direct quote from the description of a religion in the super-old TV show Babylon Five), in a way we are the universe (molecules) thinking about itself!:-P Our pattern may be small, but our significance large, at least to our own perspective - e.g. every human life is precious, or arguably should be; but at the same time, as you point out, on the grander scheme it’s nothing at all.
I find such thoughts very freeing - like, we can choose to love, or not, rather than have that forced upon us by like societal conventions, or whatever. Namaste and junk. :-) 11 months ago
If you think about Newton’s law that says energy can neither be created nor destroyed, then it’s not unreasonable to imagine that our life energy is floating out there in space until we’re born, where it then enters our bodies. Then when we die, our energy is released back out into the universe. So in a way, we are literally catching a ride through our life on our way to who knows where.