- Comment on Valve releases full Team Fortress 2 game code to encourage new, free versions 1 day ago:
Should’ve always been that way.
- Comment on Catalyst 4 days ago:
- Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 6 days ago:
- Comment on Erasure 6 days ago:
Unless the darkness is a really deep pit in some cave and their legs are broken.
- Comment on 🐜❤️U 6 days ago:
I bite you
you die of heart attack
- Comment on Anon finds a new way to get protein 1 week ago:
They actually really don’t like spam lol.
- Comment on Anon finds a new way to get protein 1 week ago:
That’s anons goal. Anon collects rocks.
- Comment on Anon finds a new way to get protein 1 week ago:
I bought one for my cats a while ago. I was opening a can of something else (I forget, spam maybe) with the same pull off lid and they full on sprint towards me meowing like I hadn’t just fed them an hour before.
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 1 week ago:
I hope you get better soon. Thoughts and prayers.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 2 weeks ago:
serious big mood righ therr
- Comment on Anon makes first contact 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon pumps up the crowd 2 weeks ago:
that’s a high quality soyjack if I ever seen one
- Comment on Sadge 3 weeks ago:
I die in a war, then became electronegative?
- Comment on Sadge 3 weeks ago:
I become electronegative?
- Comment on It's a good group! 4 weeks ago:
I like to use bars of soap personally.
- Comment on Anon makes a greentext 5 weeks ago:
Anon’s mom protects Anon from Anon
- Comment on Anon remembers kindergarten 5 weeks ago:
Same, 17 years later I still can’t watch it.
- Comment on Anon remembers kindergarten 5 weeks ago:
I remember rolling up to class while pretending to be a lizard. Crawling on the ground licking my lips, etc., etc.
Perhaps you shouldn’t go there lol
- Comment on Anon remembers kindergarten 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon remembers kindergarten 5 weeks ago:
Anon helped a sick child live a some-what normal life before dying.
- Comment on iykyk 5 weeks ago:
a few years and then you die of cancer
- Comment on iykyk 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Free Spot! 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Free Spot! 5 weeks ago:
idk why, but I only see a blank comment ;-;
- Comment on Warm tips 5 weeks ago:
Just the tip.
- Comment on Free Spot! 5 weeks ago:
It’s free real-estate.
- Comment on Anon gets a job 1 month ago:
$880 is how much people pay for a bedroom in someones else’s house in my city.
*This is mostly because the zoning laws require all new apartment complexes to have one parking space per tenant which means land owners who want to develop their land to provide more density have to put in an underground parking garage on their lot which would make recouping the cost of development pretty much impossible (there’s no room for surface lots). My city is almost entirely zoned this way which creates situations where the university is fully surrounded by single family homes that are “renovated” to provide jury rigged density.
- Comment on Anon gets a job 1 month ago:
Ah, that’s actually really great. I always wondered how UBI would work on a large scale when already wealthy people are in the mix. I mean, they don’t exactly need it.
- Comment on Anon gets a job 1 month ago:
That’s the dream.
- Comment on Anon gets a job 1 month ago:
It’s somewhat the same argument for universal income. Gives people time to learn valuable skill sets without giving all their time and energy to some company.