It’s especially fun to learn the old ones, because they usually have really complicated jazz chord progressions. You just don’t notice because the melody is so strong
Comment on That explains the shiny nose 1 year agoIt's weird, I had to work retail with some of the crappiest elevator christmas music ever. A lot of folks complained about the music. But, I play the piano and I actually love to play those pieces at this time of year! I mean yes, they're over done and way over played on the radio and TV, but when you're the one making the music, it makes all the difference in how you feel about it. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Playing the music and being subjected to it are totally different. I played guitar and trumpet in my youth and doing Christmas music for the school and the town parade were always a blast. But now that I’m a jaded adult…lol
Getting my guitar out and figuring out new songs is still a lot of fun, even if I’m kind of terrible at it. 1 year ago
Well I'm far from the world's greatest piano player. I stopped taking lessons about the intermediate-early advanced stage. So I can play some fairly advanced music, in fact I prefer more complicated or creative takes on the Christmas classics. But it is different from just being a passive listener.
I hope you get to find time with the guitar these days - I always wanted to learn to play classical guitar, it's so cool to have that as a hobby! 1 year ago
I played bass with a little four piece band in college. I’d listen to a lot of music with the bass turned up so I could learn basslines, practice them, and then build off of them and do my own thing. And it was a pretty easy transition since a bass is strung just like a guitar without a B or high E string. I haven’t played regularly in a long time, but I do find time to get the guitar out and kill time when I’m at home alone here and there. Most of the music I listen to is one of like four different chord progressions, each made up of three or four chords lol 1 year ago
Most of modern music sounds that way to me - basically three or four chords over and over and over again. I guess that's why I like many of the older pieces, they're a little more complex and when they are jazzed up they sound really great. Although I will say, Jazz to me is much harder to play than almost any other type of music.