Yeah, I have two solutions for you:
Get rid of the Google feed which is crap, and a total BS that it doesn’t support your default browser unless disabling or getting rid of Chrome, you can use an app like Discovery Killer to get rid of it and replace it for another app, as I’m currently using Kvaesitso I have no need for doing that (Discovery Killer currently frozen), I can’t recall if the app needs root though (root FTW anyway).
Continue to use it if you enjoy trash news sites with clic baits and such, you can block ads at a DNS level, through android settings or if you have a PiHole at the house, personally I use AdAway rooted version (root FTW x2) and my PiHole at house and with a VPN outside, I’m pretty sure AdAway tooks first, but meh, let’s have some redundancy 😂
I’m pretty sure that could have been mentioned in this thread but I just wanted to explain my setup. 1 year ago
You can’t. Even when Firefox with uBO is your default browser and any other app just uses Firefox as the built-in browser, Google News will resort to Chrome.
Workaroud: Open the website in Firefox instead of using the app - 1 year ago
It will open Firefox or whatever your default browser is if you delete chrome or freeze it.
It won’t open the usual webpage though, it will open and create a new tab in the browser, at least that is the behavior that I face with Firefox Beta. 1 year ago
For me (on Firefox non-beta) it just opens the in-app browser and shoves ads down my throat. I just checked it, Chrome is disabled and cannot be uninstalled on my phone.
When I have a page opened in the Google News App, I can tap the menu and select to open the web page from there. Then it gets opened in Firefox. 1 year ago
I’ve tried this solution and it doesn’t work. Chrome is running within the Google News app. Even if you modify Chrome on your phone to have adblockers, the version of the browser that Google News opens is unmodified.